Wireless broadband access from mobile systems is among the largest system
power consumers. In this project, we aim at improving its energy efficiency
while meeting performance constraints. Our approach is system and we study
solutions that can be implemented in wireless network interface card (WNIC) and
software in a mostly standard-compliant manner.
Our current focus is on directional antennas, both passive and active,
for mobile systems.
Hang Yu, Lin Zhong, Ashutosh Sabharwal, and David Kao, "Beamforming on mobile devices: a first study," in
Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and
Networking (MobiCom), September 2011. (related arXiv Technical Report)
Ardalan Amiri Sani, Lin Zhong, and Ashutosh Sabharwal, "Directional
antenna diversity for mobile devices: characterizations and
solutions," in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and
Networking (MobiCom), September 2010.
Ardalan Amiri Sani, Hasan Dumanli, Lin Zhong, and Ashutosh Sabharwal,
"Power-efficient directional wireless communication on small
form-factor mobile devices, " in Proc. ACM/IEEE Int. Symp. Low Power
Electronics and Design (ISLPED), August 2010. (PDF)
(See the BeamSwitch
technical report for a complete set of results and a
video demo)
Hang Yu, Lin Zhong, and Ashutosh Sabharwal, "Beamsteering on mobile
devices, network capacity and client efficiency," Technical Report
0623-2010, Rice University, June 2010. (PDF)
Hang Yu, Lin Zhong, and Ashutosh Sabharwal, "Adaptive
RF chain management for energy-efficient MIMO transmission," in Proc. ACM/IEEE Int. Symp. Low Power Electronics and Design
August 2009.
Hasan Dumanli, Ardalan Amiri Sani, Lin Zhong, and Ashutosh Sabharwal, "BeamSwitch:
system solution for energy-efficient directional communication on mobile
devices," Technical Report 0616-09, Rice University, June 2009. (PDF)
Husheng Li, Lin Zhong, and Kun Zheng, "Drowsy transmission:
physical layer energy optimization for transmitting random packet
traffic," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
April 2009. (PDF)
Hasan Dumanli and Lin
Zhong, "Demonstration: Energy-efficient wireless communication based
on directional transmission from mobile access," in MobiCom'08,
September 2008. (finalist for Best Student Demo)
Jiayang Liu and
Lin Zhong, "Micro power management of active 802.11 interfaces," in
Proc. ACM/USENIX Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, and
Services (MobiSys), June 2008. (PDF)
Ahmad Rahmati
and Lin Zhong, "Context for Wireless: Context-sensitive
energy-efficient wireless data transfer," in
Proc. ACM/USENIX Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, and
Services (MobiSys), June 2007. (PDF)
logger source code)